I don't really do soft toys. I'm sure I've been given quite a few over the years, but very few make it to treasured possession status. My teddies, Growly (he has a growling mechanism, which was never quite the same after a tumble down the stairs) and Baby Teddy (later adopted and rechristened Tommy Teddy by Debs, which is just wrong, his name isn't Tommy) are at my parents' house somewhere. But somehow these guys, Piglet and Alexander, made it to Cambridge with me. Probably because they're small and like looking after my bookshelves. I can't remember where Piglet came from, he's been mine for ages. Alexander was a present from a school friend. For reasons lost in the mists of time, Piglet was wearing a blue knitted dress which used to belong to a doll whose name escepes me. I decided it was time he had some clothes of his own. Then I couldn't leave Alexander out, so I made him a scarf. Cashmere, of course.
Piglet wears: top-down raglan in Lorna's Laces Shepherd sock, colourway - Rainbow.
Alexander wears: garter stitch scarf with fringes in Hip Knits cashmere sock yarn.
Hmm, I've got a growing collection of smallish balls of sock yarn. These guys might end up with quite an extensive wardrobe.
Might you eventually be able to make a pair of very multi coloured socks?
I would wear them even if no one else did!!!!
Possibly. Would you really wear them?
They're really cool. I love Piglets's jumper. Wouldn't it be cool if you could get that effect on bigger things (like socks, jumpers etc). Have you thought about making socks and mittens for Piglet and Alexander?
Yeah I would, they'd be cool.
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