Wednesday, February 07, 2007

fluffy sheep ate my hands

I made wrist warmers. It's COLD here in Cambridge and I've been thinking for a while I need something to fill the gap between my gloves and my coat. Yesterday was very cold and I happened to come across the right pattern and remember I had some yarn that would suit it. Then I knit these in bed last night. (I did make 2, but you try taking a picture of both your own hands.)

Started: 11pm 6 February 2007

Finished: 12.30am 7 February 2007

Pattern: Chance by Pixeldiva from Magknits

Yarn: 2 balls of Rowan Big Wool Tuft I acquired in a stash swap a while ago and hadn't a clue what to do with.

Needles: 15mm circulars

Notes: Dead easy and very quick. The pattern's more of a recipe, which suits me. They do look rather like I've got sheep wrapped round my hands, but they do the job of keeping my wrists warm. I turned them purl side out so that the fluffy bits stick out. They might be even warmer knit side out, with all the fluffy bits on the inside like thrummed mittens.

Handy tip: I couldn't find a big enough bodkin to sew the ends in with, so I improvised with a hair slide.


Anonymous said...

They look relly cosy
Well done

Mary deB said...

Arthur and I took a ball of the Big Wool Tuft at a swap, too! And there's so little yardage on one of those balls -- did it take you a ball per wrist? Good use of it -- I wonder if anyone ever made a nice sweater with it??

Pig wot flies said...

did it take you a ball per wrist?

Yes, I had a couple of metres or so left over from each ball, but that's it. I've no idea what else you could do with Big Wool Tuft apart from silly hats, or maybe an edging to a thick jumper.

Alice said...

the hair slide idea is GREAT!!

it is bleeding cold, I was thinking about thrummed mittens today - don't think my anti-wool skin'd take them, but right now I want to fill the space between me and any clothing with a good few layers of sheep

Anonymous said...

wow i want some they look cool (or warm as the case may be!!!)

Debs said...

Ok, so you can't take a picture of both your hands, but I can't even see one hand here. Oh, ok, I looked closely and I do see it now. It's just very dark so you can't notice it so well.
Oh, very cool btw